Hi everyone,
can't believe it's ben 9 months since my last post.
Last year I lost my mojo for cardmaking and decided I needed to spent more time with my family and friends. And boy am I enjoying this time! Days and weeks are going by so very fast... I didn't miss crafting at all.
The only thing I didn't miss on was reading some of my favorite cardmaking blogs.
This morning I was reading some of them ( the girls were at my mum and dad's house, so the house completely to myself) my fingers started to itch.
A little digging in my old junk (didn't buy anything new for about a year) and tada!!! this is the result.

I hope my fingers will keep itching so I can continue doing what I really loved to do most.....creating cards.
Thanks for stopping by and see oyu soon with another card.
xoxo Karin