Hi everyone,
can't believe it's ben 9 months since my last post.
Last year I lost my mojo for cardmaking and decided I needed to spent more time with my family and friends. And boy am I enjoying this time! Days and weeks are going by so very fast... I didn't miss crafting at all.
The only thing I didn't miss on was reading some of my favorite cardmaking blogs.
This morning I was reading some of them ( the girls were at my mum and dad's house, so the house completely to myself) my fingers started to itch.
A little digging in my old junk (didn't buy anything new for about a year) and tada!!! this is the result.

I hope my fingers will keep itching so I can continue doing what I really loved to do most.....creating cards.
Thanks for stopping by and see oyu soon with another card.
xoxo Karin
Hoi Karin, nou je bent het nog niet verleerd hoor, wat een schattig kaartje! Hopelijk blijft je "mojo" komen! Groetjes Gemma
Hi Karin,just left a message on PCP for you as well. Great to see you have started creating again. Love the card. You were one of my first inspiration blogs, so it is lovely to see it reappear again. Warm wishes.
hallo karin!
toll mal wieder etwas von dir zu sehen!freue mich,das du wieder karten bastelst und deine kreativität geblieben ist!
glg janina
oh hello again karin ~ what a fab card ~just love that sweet image and such a pretty frame ~love to see you back!!
vanessa xx
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